Thursday, July 3, 2008

22 Weeks Pregnant Back Pain

Message from Father Hugo Rios

are in Italy last Tuesday along with six children in our Pediatric Kimbondo, needing delicate actions which can not be performed in hospitals Congolese.
Naomi aged 15, Esther 13, Wonda 5, Carole 8, 3 and Jean Pierre Emanuel of 13, will be operated at some hospitals in Milan. The first five, with serious heart problems, will be operated at the Niguarda Hospital in Milan, while Jean Pierre will be operated presso l’ospedale Multimedica di Sesto San Giovanni per gravi problemi alle vie urinarie.
Per prima cosa voglio ringraziare tutte le persone che in questi ultimi mesi hanno reso possibile questo viaggio, difficile per gli aspetti burocratici da superare, proibitivo per noi per quanto riguarda i costi. Un grazie di cuore, quindi, alla Regione Lombardia che si farà carico dei costi delle operazioni del Niguarda, e un grazie all’ospedale Multimedica che effettuerà gratuitamente l’intervento sul piccolo Jean Pierre. Ringrazio, poi, in modo particolare la Caritas di Siena e la Fondazione del Monte dei Paschi per avere ancora una volta aiutato in modo così significativo i piccoli di Kimbondo, coprendo i costi di questo viaggio.
Do not forget, furthermore, none of the many friends of Pediatrics that with their support allows us to continue our work. Thanks! Thanks to all the associations, foundations, groups and individual benefactors who these days are close to us and make us feel, with their support, like a family.
I know you are anxious about the outcome of these actions, and so am I.. For this reason we ask you to join me in praying daily for this adventure possible for the generosity of many, we can conclude with the healing of all children.
I always felt inside me that when they believe intensely in love with something, it then takes place, and I know that my prayers are sostenute anche dal vostro amore.

Padre Hugo Rios