Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hideo Wakamatsu Lock Instruction

Last post


Sì, lo so che non ho aggiornato un granché nell'ultimo periodo, ma ho realmente avuto un casino di cose da fare e il nuovo anno dovrebbe riportare anche il lavoro a livelli decenti...staremo a vedere.

Per il resto, l'anno che se ne va è stato realmente pessimo, sotto la maggior parte dei punti di vista, ma vorrei soffermarmi solo sulle note liete per cercare di ritrovare un po' quell'ottimismo che mi contraddistingueva fino a qualche anno fa.

Le conoscenze were the strong point of this 2008 ... I lost someone in the street (though I hope not permanently) but I met many great people in will not name to avoid missing someone. Then there are the people I have "rediscovered", or with whom I have formed a bond that was only skin deep ...

side job? Well, not good (too much uncertainty) but not negative, however, because my current boss is a guy ... if things go as we hope, in the new year could begin a fruitful collaboration.

boh ... And then I have crowned an old dream: to go to singing school (a little 'early to draw conclusions, but for now is a good experience) and a little more .... 2008 mean of satisfaction but which on closer inspection (the last, hellish three days apart) threw the groundwork for something interesting.

We'll see.

Thanks to those who were there when I needed, thanks to those who gave me a smile or a pat on the shoulder, thanks to those who opened my eyes to the truth, thanks to those who laughed and sang with me at least one again, thanks to those who have endured: I hope I have got a smile, a thought, an emotion I also to each of you.

bye to 2009 with the song that opened this blog and that is the song I've heard more this year.

Poets of the Fall - Illusion & Dream
Can you chase your demon? /
Or will it take your freedom? /
I raise my glass and say "Here's to you"

Monday, December 22, 2008

What To Write In Your Sisters Card

Kimbondo, 22 dicembre 2008

Messaggio augurale Natale 2008

In questi giorni di preparazione alla solennità del Natale, in cui si ricorda la prima venuta del Signore fra gli uomini, ci sono molte cose nel mio cuore che non riesco ad esprimere, e rifletto sul senso del lavoro che tutti i giorni faticosamente portiamo avanti.
La guerra, la fame e le malattie mettono in ginocchio questo Paese, e ancora una volta a pagarne le conseguenze sono i più deboli e i più indifesi, i bimbi in particolare.
Io so che preoccupa e spaventa il crescente numero dei nostri piccoli ospiti, ed è vero che ciò crea una grande quantità di problemi nella ricerca delle risorse necessarie alla sopravvivenza della Pediatria.
Siamo come una navicella che attraversa tutti i giorni un mare in tempesta, sommersa e sbattuta da onde alte che, a volte, vanificano i nostri sforzi e il nostro lavoro, ma io penso che non sia nel disegno del Signore volerla abbandonare, perché rappresenta l’unica salvezza possibile per chi non ha più nessuno.
Che ne sarebbe stato dei nostri bimbi malati che oggi sono guariti, o di quelli che abbiamo tolto dalla strada o salvato dalla superstizione e dalla violenza, se non li avessimo accolti alla nostra Pediatria?
Io dico sempre che la Provvidenza never sleeps and that manifests itself in times of need by people of good will.
And it is these people, you in particular Kimbondo Friends of Pediatrics, which today - in the time of Advent - I turn my thoughts and my hope. To you, who in recent years have allowed the continuation of our work, I mean my gratitude and that of Dr. Perna for the generosity with which you have incurred.
Please continue to do so! for them, for our children!
Christmas is a celebration also heard in this tormented land. And 'the birth of Christ who became man, and is a symbol of hope and love. E 'Day of the Family and welcome, Pediatrics and here we are at with you, one family.
With Mama Coco, who continues his life with simplicity, our children and all the staff of the Pediatrics Kimbondo, I wish you, your families and your loved ones a world of happiness and serenity in this difficult time .
Best wishes for a happy Christmas to all, in the hope that the New Year is a bearer of peace and love in Christ.

Father Hugo Rios

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fotos De Mullheres Nuas

Tomorrow is aggratis! Saturday

For those interested to hear me sing Christmas songs (see previous note), it seems that tomorrow 's aggratis entry is thanks to funding arrived in extremis :-)

16 hours at the Teatro Don Bosco ^. ^

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Can You Bring Your Own Formula To The Hospital

you sing!

"Christmas Carols" in collaboration with three other choirs (Vernazza, and Gaggiola Sarzana) and dell'Anffass boys.

will last a couple of hours, will be at the Teatro Don Bosco La Spezia (Via Roma, I believe) beginning at 16:00 and the ticket will cost € 5 (for charity).

And I will have a small solo part in "Walking in the air", by the second low voice ^.

^ Video of today? A one-piece drawn by the spectacle of a chorus ... really ahead: D nice


God rest you merry gentlemen

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hack Plug And Play Xbox Controller On Pc

I go away!

Three days in Bologna, as said. Once finished the DVD that I was doing on Al, you go to bed that morning there's a train to catch.

For the rest nothing significant new developments, at least short-term, as Lordi lead on Italian soil on 26 and 27 February, and we are willing to buy tickets to go and see them in that of Rome (so there will be the Duke Freddy) in the second of two shows.

Meanwhile I have already heard three times the new CD "Deadache" and recommend it, perhaps a bit more commercial but definitely better, since three pieces are already in the iPod and I finished two more will follow soon .. . In fact, the video of tonight it is the new Finnish monsters, spectacular as they usually, for a piece that comes immediately to mind without stopping (at least I did it: D) \u200b\u200bAnd then there

Spezia Comics & Games that and depart from the proposals of going to the station in Porto, and there will be news about me in the near future, just for this show!

Well, Have a nice weekend, you Ribecco on my return, as long as decent updated frequently from now on!

Lordi - Bite it like a bulldog

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Is It Possible To Be Allergic To Toffee

They all returned home.

Kimbondo Thursday, December 4, 2008

Naomi, Wonda, Carol, Esther, and Jean Pierre Emanuel returned home and are well.
E 'spent a month quando anche Carol e Jean Pierre, concluso il periodo post operatorio, hanno potuto far ritorno alla loro casa di Kimbondo, ed è con grande affetto che i bimbi ricordano le tante persone che li hanno accolti e curati durante la loro permanenza in Italia.
La loro guarigione è un miracolo reso possibile dall’impegno di molte Istituzioni, dall’eccellenza del personale medico e paramedico degli ospedali Niguarda e Multimedica, e soprattutto dalla generosità dei tanti amici della Pediatria, che si sono fatti Mamme e Papà di questi bimbi.
Quanti nomi nuovi si sentono qui alla Pediatria, e sono i vostri. Sono i nomi ricorrenti nei racconti del piccolo Emanuel o di Carol. O degli amici italiani incontrati da Naomi, da Wonda, da Ester or Jean Pierre. This
stay in Italy was an important experience in their lives, as I imagine it was for all of you that you were near, and that is what I want to personally thank all together in one embrace. Thank you, thank you. At
Pediatrics is a lot of work, and continue to get new children who need us.
have just returned to Italy Giampiero, Vincent and Assunta, after a period of one month here at the Pediatrics, and their presence, as well as useful, was of great comfort to me.
E 'is the container arrived there was a lot of work accompanied by a great joy for the things that we have received. The new equipment for the radiology suite facilitate our work, and new desks for school children to make dignity.

Father Hugo Rios

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Should I Text A Scorpio Man?


So Facebook, the social network, has swallowed me.

Driven by the demands of friends that I could not feel otherwise than by telephone (and I hate talking on the phone) I decided to enroll, and so far there are stati più benefici che cose antipatiche...se escludiamo il fatto che mi sono intrippato con un paio di giochini del sito e ci perdo troppo tempo...

Comunque, ottima la serie dei PTQ limited di Magic (0-1, 3-3, 0-2) ma mi consolo con delle belle giornate divertenti e la promozione a Judge di World of Warcraft TCG, il che mi permetterà di essere in quel di Bologna il 7 e l'8 dicembre per arbitrare il Realm Qualifier...si prospetta un weekend da panico con Ale, la Cla e lo staff della Ude, che è sempre un piacere frequentare.

Bòn, vi lascio con il solito video random dalla playlist e con l'augurio di vederci o sentirci presto, in RL o su Facebook!

Poets of the Fall - Carnival of Rust (l'avevo già messo? Non mi pare...)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Easy Bake Oven Pretzel Recipe

blog! I'd forgotten! The song

Non è vero, ma sono stato un po' incasinato ^.^

Rimedio con una mail arrivatami che mi ha fatto scompisciare..e tu che stai leggendo..."fatte 'na cazzo de risata!" (cit.)


Gennaio 10.
Oggi mi ha telefonato un tipo di Sky e mi ha proposto d'abbonarmi al loro servizio, ma gli ho garbatamente risposto che la cosa non m'interessava e ho riattaccato!

Gennaio 10.
Nuovamente mi ha telefonato qualcuno di Sky e io gli ho detto che nelle ultime due ore non avevo cambiato idea and I hung up!

January 14. Still
Sky. I asked lifting myself from their lists and do not call me anymore, and I hung up!

January 16.
once again to Sky.
I threatened to complain to the Privacy Authority and they laughed.
I'm angry and I hung up!

January 18. Today those
Sky have called three times already.
Not knowing what else to do I cried and unplugged the phone!

January 21.
Today I phoned Sky Piero and I told him I do not own the TV.
seemed incredulous, and so I reminded him that is not mandatory to have a television.
"Not yet," he said angrily.
Then he hung up!

January 22.
Again I phoned Sky and Peter asked me how was I supposed to live without TV.
I told him that when a program was really nice and interesting, I went to see a friend's house.
Then I asked if my friend had subscribed to Sky, and I said I did not know, because it had not happened yet and television program that there was really nice and interesting.
was exasperated at this point and he hung up!

January 25.
I still phoned Sky Piero and asked me if I had decided to buy a TV. I answered that I had also sold the phone instead, and now I was talking to my thoughts telepathically. Puzzled
he hung up!

March 31. Today I Gianni
phoned Sky and said I personally was not authorized to make decisions.
I told him to call after the Black Mass at midnight, to speak directly to our Archdeacon Black
Afraid he hung up!

April 18.
Today I phoned Sky and Monica talking I asked her if she liked kittens. After his assent
honey I explained that now, because of him, I would have tortured and cut up a couple. Weeping
he hung up!

May 7.
Today I phoned Mark and told Sky that I was very interested in his proposal, because we Russian Mafia
much love Italian TV. Frightened
he hung up!

June 5.
Today I phoned Sky Luke and I started to cry and call him Luke Skywalker, and I asked him to take me on a planet of this less crappy.
frustrated he hung up!

June 6.
I've screwed the damn bastards.
Now I'll never get more phone calls to Sky.
And you know how I care?
I have subscribed to their service.
So now I'm sure it will not call me ever again!

June 9.
'm desperate. Today
three times he called me some Fastweb.



(Random Video)
Charon - Colder

Friday, November 7, 2008

Scion Tc Stock Tail Lights

di Lucca Comics & Games Nostalgia

Already the song is great, but the video is truly spectacular: D

Pending download the (few) pictures from phone to PC, song of the beccatevi Lucca Comics & Games!

Massimiliano Poggi - The song of Lucca Comics & Games

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If A Scorpioman Likes You

or happiness? Nothing

fought. Part of me is sad, the other it revs up like never before ... and the cause is Lucca Comics. I'm sad because for me, thirty nostalgic, Lucca Comics is an oasis of peace, four days when the world does not interfere with my thoughts ... work, the love that never comes, the small and large problems every day are swept away by all the people that photonics is in that city in those days ... and from there, from this analysis that comes my happiness ... concert Cristina D'Avena and Gemboy and Superobots, traveling in the car with Fabio, Ale and Claudia, two days of demonstrations at the stand with the weapons of Frederick Upperdeck and Edo and the beautiful Silvia, Francesca, Veronica .... all the people who gather each year ... the public cheering after my performance in the abbreviation of "Bem" and the metal version of "Dr. Slump and Arale "....

... sadness because it will take a year to be back in Lucca, happiness because everything will start again in a year ...

fought. It 's the right word.

Props (in strictly random order):-
referees and staff Upperdeck Italy for two days in their company: guys are wonderful!
-referees, just friends and staff of Wizards of the Coast: each time find themselves in the same city is a party;
-Cristina and Gemboy: thanks;
-Superobots: double thanks, because despite her knees apart, in the throat fiamme e i cervicali, saltellavo come un matto su "Forza Sugar" e compagnia bella;
-Al Cantacartoon, che mi fa tornare indietro ad anni felici;
-Fabio, Alessio e Claudia per i viaggi in macchina sparando cazzate e cantando le nostre sigle;
-Gianluca e Simone, perché non dovremo aspettare un anno per...(taccio per ora);
-Giulia e Luca perché sono grandissimi e vengono a Lucca per mezza giornata;
-Ancora Fabio che passa il test da arbitro! Vai mittticcoo! ^.^
-Alla mia sorellina Kiara che fa sempre cosplay impegnativi;

-Alla pioggia battente durante il concerto di venerdì;
-All'idiota che non guarda dove va, mi viene addosso e poi gliene vanno anche him. Thee was good that I was happy, otherwise I would have hung on the wall;
-the voice that has gone on Saturday afternoon, the cervical-
: I no longer have the physique to withstand four days of Lucca Comics: D

I hope you did not forget anything or anyone ....

Superobots - Ocean Blue Noah Space (live Lucca Comics 2008)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Installation Manual Ranch Hand Grille Guard

Civic ...

... will be at Don Bosco, hoping to stay there all on stage ^. ^

Ready to Lucca Comics? ^. ^

PS On the subject "lucchesco", a beautiful symbol of the boxes : D

Space Robot: D

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Average American Bra Size 2010

Marò How long .... The compilation

... I do not write that! But I was really busy, even if the work latita. Started rehearsals for the little show at the end of the year singing course, and aside from a few flaws, we manage not too bad.

But the "bomb" is that I proposed to sing a solo song that Nightwish is in the program ... "Walking in the air" ... I must be crazy, but seems to be singing an octave below my flow ... bah, you link the original, so book your tickets to hear my cues from live ...

... at the Teatro Municipal of La Spezia ...


Yes, I was wrong I also ... more details in the future when they'll know I also ...

Nightwish - Walking In The Air (live)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Can U Get High On Rivotril

ideal ...

... you can do!! As you can see on the right, I created my "cassette"!

For now it is a compilation of evidence, a mixture of quick parts and ballad rock and metal, but it contains a bit 'of my songs and my favorite bands! How

it too? Go here and have fun!

PS Thanks to Bruscolino (Hattrick) who posted his and introduced me to that site!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bus Schedulemacomb Mall

No news is good news

It 's my philosophy a bit' of time now: D

Nothing new really, if not a story about a show during the Christmas song of which I will talk a bit 'further but this is something a bit 'big *.*

Meanwhile, trying to sing an octave below Tarja Turunen Amy Lee and looking like crazy and the bases of the Poets of The Fall, I leave you with a piece of one of the greatest musical poets: Checco Zalone. I saw it last night and thought I was suffocating ... Zelig is a genius.

Checco Zalone - You forget me

Friday, October 10, 2008

Bow Much Does An Actor Make On Commercials

What do I write?

Hell, I do not know what to tell you ... if not I'll have a weekend III & IV, a hope to find a couple of interesting CD to an exhibition to be held tomorrow and Sunday from my side parties and I'm trying desperately basis of "Illusion & Dream" because so far I only found the guitar chords ... this song to make "wise" at the end will not be easy, unless some good soul and did not learn the do you unplugged (and it would be TOO good). At least

of "Late Goodbye" (again, the Poets of the Fall) I found a version (piano, when the original is for two guitar), a. kar and even the score for piano (as well as the usual guitar chords) ... we'll see if I can convince a few people to "schitarrarla" for me: D

I leave you with a group promessovi the last time the Finnish Teräsbetoni (Finnish word that means "reinforced concrete"), metalheads who sing songs from the epic and fast paced. What I present is what I made them about last May when I attended their performance at Eurovision. What were they doing there for metalheads? Music. Unlike many other participants ...

The title means roughly "When brave men ride" and is very epic ... just here the English translation: http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/nordic-countries-lyrics-translation/42104-finnish-to-english-ter-sbetoni-miss-miehet-ratsastaa.html

Teräsbetoni - Miss miehet ratsastaa

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How To Find A Jockstrap

Yes, I'm still alive!

But I had plenty of time, and to be honest things to say ... I would have had a bit since the spring ' melancholy and the summer really "useless" if at some point, this fall is giving me good moments.

From discrete physical shape ... I'm taking part of the kilos lost with gastritis (but if I continue to eat like a bear's best to think seriously to the gym), to continue with the emergence of the national WoW, invited by Fudo, whom I enjoyed a tidal wave to do demonstrations, give a hand to the referees and to fuck a bit '... then started the course singing and the teacher was impressed by two pieces that I hear: "Illusion & Dream Poets of (remember? The first song of this blog!) and" Sleeping Sun "by Nightwish is that for both feasible even by my low voice .... we'll see!

Then the work is a bit 'again, I started Magic giocicchiare (at least the desire to draft is back: D), and if we add the wait for Lucca Comics (also not show for UDE, I must have taken a shine), and (maybe) a new campaign for D & D is clear that I am taking back with interest for a year so far dancer and uninteresting.

And I probably forget something.

I leave you with a cover: Jarkko Ahola of Teräsbetoni (you'll also hear them in the near future!), Marco Hietala from Nightwish, Tony Kakko of Sonata Arctica and Juha-Pekka Leppäluoto of Charon, aka Northern Kings, a great resume 80 success of Tina Turner. If I find three partners with the top three entries (the low tone of the fourth seems within my reach) I want to sing this song somehow ....*.*

PS After all menate I have done with "Black Shymphony" a word now that you get out? No. The double double CD + DVD arrived and I have it before my eyes. Just wait the right moment to see him because I never three hours in a row to enjoy it quiet and do it piecemeal seems to me an insult. I will let you know .... W Within Temptation !!!!!!

Northern Kings - We Do not Need Another Hero

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tiffany After Xmas Sale, Sydney

Another weekend ...

... is coming!

continue their days a bit 'flat, but will answer ... in fact I'm waiting for an appointment with your child's hand for Monday

.- ^ However, the expectation is Black Symphony by spasmodic especially due for release in three days (we hope that the Netherlands have already sent) ... and then there are the preparations for next weekend in Florence (Fudo I was recruited to lend a hand to the national WoW ^. ^) and Lucca Comics, scheduled for early November like every year. The cosplay Baz is in great doubt (I could not go on stage and then it would make little sense ...), in other words the near future seems full of commitments.

I leave again with a random song chosen from Winamp, so it's not his fault if you do not like: D nice


Poets of the Fall - Lift

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Is Bone On Your Eyebrow

The holidays! Yes, but the Chief: D

week that promises to be hot, as the boss leaves for Malta tomorrow if they fail ... our two intrepid engineers to survive? : D

nothing new, it continues to work piecemeal, and the rest of the time you fuck nicely, waiting for who knows what ... I hope soon to update with something that makes sense: D How

success ultimately will be the next random song from the playlist of Winamp to determine the video with which I leave you ... see you next!

Evanescence - Good enough

Friday, September 12, 2008

Suspenders With Jeans?

You again! Small quirks

Back in Rimini, this time for a GP ... I hope you come back a bit 'desire to play, but for sure we will enjoy a lot ^.

^ For the rest, nothing new. Everyday life, a little 'hot, hungry and still suspect that after months of forced fasting, I eat what I hold the meeting on my way ...^.^'

I leave you, once again, Within Temptation with remembering three simple words: Black Symphony -10 *.*

Within Temptation - Jillian (Live)

Monday, September 8, 2008

What Is The Teck Deck App Called

Today a guy put on the forum to hattrick a question, namely: what are your manie? Quali sono le cose che odiate o che vi danno fastidio?

Ho risposto due volte (la seconda per integrare la prima) e mi sono accorto di avere un sacco di piccole manie...di non avere un carattere facile lo sapevo, ma così...:D

Ecco ciò che mi sono "ricordato" sulle mie manie:

-Non sopporto di avere qualcuno alle spalle...divento irascibile e antipatico;
-Detesto ragni, zanzare e gechi, mi istigano alla violenza;
-Non posso mangiare nulla di viscido, tipo i budini;
-Sopporto la vista del sangue, ma non se me lo prelevano per le analisi;
-Odio chi mi interrompe mentre parlo...lì mi incazzo proprio di brutto;
-Mi soffio sempre il naso con la carta when I go to toilet to pee, even on the premises. If you can not find it I become paranoid
-Signature always greeted with the "beautiful, Pikappa" if it is a forum or a "hello, Pk" if it is an e-mail;
-When I listen to music on the ipod, try manually song by song I want to listen and 9 times out of 10 step to the next song when the singing ends (before the music fades, the effective end of the song);
often-hum my favorite songs with friends, but if the play itself is always in silence;
-I strikes me that a man lay hands on him, even if it were a hand around the shoulder as a sign of friendship, and if it has not taken off after two seconds and I shake my puff. And if a boy touches my hair literally become a rage for a while ... do not bite;
-When returning home, there are stages of undressing / changing clothes, peeing and washing hands. If someone speaks to me until you have completed the sequence, they are always rude,
-No one should speak when opening the bathroom door, the answer is the finest I can get a grunt;
-I wash your hands before I go to sleep, even if they are released;
-hate latecomers;
-If I wake with a start a phone become intractable throughout the day;
-When I leave the house, as soon as I opened the door and I stepped over the threshold if there is no other are systematically back to check that the gas is turned off (although I have not used) and if the power strip that has all the plugs attached PC is off-
Calling all children under the metro "fair" if they are boys and "doll "if they are girls. ALL.

I think I'm one of the strangest in the world -.-

PS "Black Symphony": -13

Within Temptation - Memories

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Como Rejistrarse En Tech Deck

Tatatatà ... advertising!

I decided: one of the two days I'm going to cosplay Lucca Comics dress Baz 3.0, but I'll let you all! Maybe I will be filming on stage and then condivedrò my madness with you.

Per il resto nessuna novità se non che mancano diciotto giorni a "Black Symphony" e l'ho ordinato ieri sul sito dei Within Temptation :-P

Vi lascio con un video di un deviato mentale, tale Remi Gaillard...un francese matto come un cavallo...guardate che s'è inventato per le Olimpiadi pechinesi. Niente link diretto purtroppo, copiate ed incollate sul browser se non dovesse andare! :D

Remi Gaillard - Decathlon Bejing 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How To Change Mw2 From Russion To English

Black Symphony: -20 *.*

Within Temptation - Forgiven

Couldn't save you from the start
Love you so it hurts my soul
Can you forgive me for trying again
Your silence makes me hold my breath
Oh, time has passed you by

Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
Here I am left in silence

You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven

I watched the clouds drifting away
Still the sun can't warm my face
I know it was destined to go wrong
You were looking for the great escape
To chase your demons away

Ooh, for so long I've tried to shield you from the world
Ooh, you couldn't face the freedom on your own
And here I am left in silence

You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven

I've been so lost since you've gone
Why not me before you
Why did fate deceive me
Everything turned out so wrong
Why did you leave me in silence

You gave up the fight
You left me behind
All that's done's forgiven
You'll always be mine
I know deep inside
All that's done's forgiven

Monday, August 25, 2008

Trouble With Brookstone U Copter

many commitments! Dance music

Due aste del fantacalcio, il testing bunches of block for the next Grand Prix Magic, phone calls to do for the archery and the school song, the promise to my Giuliottola for karaoke, recording my songs for D & D (now I have bought a slap sound card and finally !!!), I register the mail continues to see the winter tour of Lordi, WT, Nightwish, Evanescence and who knows that Mark is not going to see Epica in Bologna ...

... so sweet to be a summer of doing nothing to a sea of \u200b\u200bcommitments ... but it's better that way, I was really wasting my best years .- ^

Today two videos: I can not I sing a song for me (and thank goodness there is Lele who raises the mean and remedies to my out of tune) and something for the ears rifarvi randomly chosen among my favorite music ... let's rock!

Lele & Pikappa - Love (cover Sonohra)

Morcheeba - Otherwise

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Legal Barely Dressing Mature Hottest Vajinas

Now, I like the metal, rock ... I like pop, I listen to classical every now and then ... if you make some friends in the car a few CDs I listen to reggae or blues often willingly ...

The dance and disco music no, I never listen ... because they do not feel the instruments and for me it is a discriminatory. I love guitars, backing tracks down ... I bring out the drummers as Jukka Nievelainen (Nightwish), the use of violins and strings in general ... even I was excited for solo bagpipes and flutes. In dance music there is.

But why can not I stop listening to a piece dance lately? Just because there is my favorite singer, the frontwoman of metallers Within Temptation? It takes so little to change my opinion about a genre of music? Here are the piece

, and sorry for venting existential doubt:-D nice


Armin van Buuren ft. Sharon den Adel - In And Out Of Love

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Size Of A Standard Suitcase

Man patch

pulled me are: S

To the lover throwing stones flat on the river I caught a big one contraction to the right bicep, and last night, probably after an air strike, have begun to come to me of dizziness head, which lasted all day and that prevented me from going out .... patience, thank goodness there are the Olympics: D

What piece set today? One of the groups that I have not yet set, the soundtrack of our trip, travel ... the biggest hit of Lordi, Hard Rock Hallelujah. For those unfamiliar with these individuals, a brief history: dress like monsters and sing and play with toughness, but they are really good. They also wrote a piece called "Devil is a loser "after being accused of being Satanists (with those faces, actually) ... but Hard Rock Hallelujah have been a great success (so much so that in Rovaniemi, the main square is called" Lordi Square ") and won the 'Eurosong Contest in 2006 (the most important song event in Europe, in Italy, but unfortunately snubbed seguitissima in any other European country). Winning a song with a hard rock festival traditionally pop in the video is not bad ... you have a taste of kindness of these five monsters: they help the girl nerd Sidelined by classmates to become the captain of the cheerleaders!

Yes, if we want the methods are questionable, but "the the end justifies the means "(quoted): D nice


Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah

Thursday, July 3, 2008

22 Weeks Pregnant Back Pain

Message from Father Hugo Rios

are in Italy last Tuesday along with six children in our Pediatric Kimbondo, needing delicate actions which can not be performed in hospitals Congolese.
Naomi aged 15, Esther 13, Wonda 5, Carole 8, 3 and Jean Pierre Emanuel of 13, will be operated at some hospitals in Milan. The first five, with serious heart problems, will be operated at the Niguarda Hospital in Milan, while Jean Pierre will be operated presso l’ospedale Multimedica di Sesto San Giovanni per gravi problemi alle vie urinarie.
Per prima cosa voglio ringraziare tutte le persone che in questi ultimi mesi hanno reso possibile questo viaggio, difficile per gli aspetti burocratici da superare, proibitivo per noi per quanto riguarda i costi. Un grazie di cuore, quindi, alla Regione Lombardia che si farà carico dei costi delle operazioni del Niguarda, e un grazie all’ospedale Multimedica che effettuerà gratuitamente l’intervento sul piccolo Jean Pierre. Ringrazio, poi, in modo particolare la Caritas di Siena e la Fondazione del Monte dei Paschi per avere ancora una volta aiutato in modo così significativo i piccoli di Kimbondo, coprendo i costi di questo viaggio.
Do not forget, furthermore, none of the many friends of Pediatrics that with their support allows us to continue our work. Thanks! Thanks to all the associations, foundations, groups and individual benefactors who these days are close to us and make us feel, with their support, like a family.
I know you are anxious about the outcome of these actions, and so am I.. For this reason we ask you to join me in praying daily for this adventure possible for the generosity of many, we can conclude with the healing of all children.
I always felt inside me that when they believe intensely in love with something, it then takes place, and I know that my prayers are sostenute anche dal vostro amore.

Padre Hugo Rios