Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hideo Wakamatsu Lock Instruction

Last post


Sì, lo so che non ho aggiornato un granché nell'ultimo periodo, ma ho realmente avuto un casino di cose da fare e il nuovo anno dovrebbe riportare anche il lavoro a livelli decenti...staremo a vedere.

Per il resto, l'anno che se ne va è stato realmente pessimo, sotto la maggior parte dei punti di vista, ma vorrei soffermarmi solo sulle note liete per cercare di ritrovare un po' quell'ottimismo che mi contraddistingueva fino a qualche anno fa.

Le conoscenze were the strong point of this 2008 ... I lost someone in the street (though I hope not permanently) but I met many great people in will not name to avoid missing someone. Then there are the people I have "rediscovered", or with whom I have formed a bond that was only skin deep ...

side job? Well, not good (too much uncertainty) but not negative, however, because my current boss is a guy ... if things go as we hope, in the new year could begin a fruitful collaboration.

boh ... And then I have crowned an old dream: to go to singing school (a little 'early to draw conclusions, but for now is a good experience) and a little more .... 2008 mean of satisfaction but which on closer inspection (the last, hellish three days apart) threw the groundwork for something interesting.

We'll see.

Thanks to those who were there when I needed, thanks to those who gave me a smile or a pat on the shoulder, thanks to those who opened my eyes to the truth, thanks to those who laughed and sang with me at least one again, thanks to those who have endured: I hope I have got a smile, a thought, an emotion I also to each of you.

bye to 2009 with the song that opened this blog and that is the song I've heard more this year.

Poets of the Fall - Illusion & Dream
Can you chase your demon? /
Or will it take your freedom? /
I raise my glass and say "Here's to you"

Monday, December 22, 2008

What To Write In Your Sisters Card

Kimbondo, 22 dicembre 2008

Messaggio augurale Natale 2008

In questi giorni di preparazione alla solennità del Natale, in cui si ricorda la prima venuta del Signore fra gli uomini, ci sono molte cose nel mio cuore che non riesco ad esprimere, e rifletto sul senso del lavoro che tutti i giorni faticosamente portiamo avanti.
La guerra, la fame e le malattie mettono in ginocchio questo Paese, e ancora una volta a pagarne le conseguenze sono i più deboli e i più indifesi, i bimbi in particolare.
Io so che preoccupa e spaventa il crescente numero dei nostri piccoli ospiti, ed è vero che ciò crea una grande quantità di problemi nella ricerca delle risorse necessarie alla sopravvivenza della Pediatria.
Siamo come una navicella che attraversa tutti i giorni un mare in tempesta, sommersa e sbattuta da onde alte che, a volte, vanificano i nostri sforzi e il nostro lavoro, ma io penso che non sia nel disegno del Signore volerla abbandonare, perché rappresenta l’unica salvezza possibile per chi non ha più nessuno.
Che ne sarebbe stato dei nostri bimbi malati che oggi sono guariti, o di quelli che abbiamo tolto dalla strada o salvato dalla superstizione e dalla violenza, se non li avessimo accolti alla nostra Pediatria?
Io dico sempre che la Provvidenza never sleeps and that manifests itself in times of need by people of good will.
And it is these people, you in particular Kimbondo Friends of Pediatrics, which today - in the time of Advent - I turn my thoughts and my hope. To you, who in recent years have allowed the continuation of our work, I mean my gratitude and that of Dr. Perna for the generosity with which you have incurred.
Please continue to do so! for them, for our children!
Christmas is a celebration also heard in this tormented land. And 'the birth of Christ who became man, and is a symbol of hope and love. E 'Day of the Family and welcome, Pediatrics and here we are at with you, one family.
With Mama Coco, who continues his life with simplicity, our children and all the staff of the Pediatrics Kimbondo, I wish you, your families and your loved ones a world of happiness and serenity in this difficult time .
Best wishes for a happy Christmas to all, in the hope that the New Year is a bearer of peace and love in Christ.

Father Hugo Rios

Friday, December 19, 2008

Fotos De Mullheres Nuas

Tomorrow is aggratis! Saturday

For those interested to hear me sing Christmas songs (see previous note), it seems that tomorrow 's aggratis entry is thanks to funding arrived in extremis :-)

16 hours at the Teatro Don Bosco ^. ^

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Can You Bring Your Own Formula To The Hospital

you sing!

"Christmas Carols" in collaboration with three other choirs (Vernazza, and Gaggiola Sarzana) and dell'Anffass boys.

will last a couple of hours, will be at the Teatro Don Bosco La Spezia (Via Roma, I believe) beginning at 16:00 and the ticket will cost € 5 (for charity).

And I will have a small solo part in "Walking in the air", by the second low voice ^.

^ Video of today? A one-piece drawn by the spectacle of a chorus ... really ahead: D nice


God rest you merry gentlemen

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hack Plug And Play Xbox Controller On Pc

I go away!

Three days in Bologna, as said. Once finished the DVD that I was doing on Al, you go to bed that morning there's a train to catch.

For the rest nothing significant new developments, at least short-term, as Lordi lead on Italian soil on 26 and 27 February, and we are willing to buy tickets to go and see them in that of Rome (so there will be the Duke Freddy) in the second of two shows.

Meanwhile I have already heard three times the new CD "Deadache" and recommend it, perhaps a bit more commercial but definitely better, since three pieces are already in the iPod and I finished two more will follow soon .. . In fact, the video of tonight it is the new Finnish monsters, spectacular as they usually, for a piece that comes immediately to mind without stopping (at least I did it: D) \u200b\u200bAnd then there

Spezia Comics & Games that and depart from the proposals of going to the station in Porto, and there will be news about me in the near future, just for this show!

Well, Have a nice weekend, you Ribecco on my return, as long as decent updated frequently from now on!

Lordi - Bite it like a bulldog

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Is It Possible To Be Allergic To Toffee

They all returned home.

Kimbondo Thursday, December 4, 2008

Naomi, Wonda, Carol, Esther, and Jean Pierre Emanuel returned home and are well.
E 'spent a month quando anche Carol e Jean Pierre, concluso il periodo post operatorio, hanno potuto far ritorno alla loro casa di Kimbondo, ed è con grande affetto che i bimbi ricordano le tante persone che li hanno accolti e curati durante la loro permanenza in Italia.
La loro guarigione è un miracolo reso possibile dall’impegno di molte Istituzioni, dall’eccellenza del personale medico e paramedico degli ospedali Niguarda e Multimedica, e soprattutto dalla generosità dei tanti amici della Pediatria, che si sono fatti Mamme e Papà di questi bimbi.
Quanti nomi nuovi si sentono qui alla Pediatria, e sono i vostri. Sono i nomi ricorrenti nei racconti del piccolo Emanuel o di Carol. O degli amici italiani incontrati da Naomi, da Wonda, da Ester or Jean Pierre. This
stay in Italy was an important experience in their lives, as I imagine it was for all of you that you were near, and that is what I want to personally thank all together in one embrace. Thank you, thank you. At
Pediatrics is a lot of work, and continue to get new children who need us.
have just returned to Italy Giampiero, Vincent and Assunta, after a period of one month here at the Pediatrics, and their presence, as well as useful, was of great comfort to me.
E 'is the container arrived there was a lot of work accompanied by a great joy for the things that we have received. The new equipment for the radiology suite facilitate our work, and new desks for school children to make dignity.

Father Hugo Rios