goleada onset, the band started in the best way the football tournament at 5! BB
BANDABARZOTTI The mister did not disappoint Passali debut in the football tournament at 5, dominating the game against the fiasco of the Fountain, "which ended with the score 19-1 in rugby. The blue-ringed
formation occurs in the field with Petrilli goal, Pelosi, Captain Passannante Girgenti, Finocchi (cinolo) and the new purchase Abatemattei.
The game starts right down with the band after few, minutes took the lead with Pelosi that broke the deadlock with a powerful conclusion at the near post. Then we think Cinolo doubled and tripled to the result with two goals pregievole invoice technique. From here on, I frankly lost the number and the course of action, as the band was the author of a truly remarkable performance both technically and in terms of the intensity of play. Worth noting is the excellent performance of goalkeeper Petrilli, claimed a few times, but always ready for the parade is ............!!! Excellent Abatemattei's debut, which lies to get into the game when the outcome is already captured, but soon starts to show with remarkable technical prowess, even if sometimes it should first get rid of the ball to speed up the action of + . Passannante behind is always a safety, never leave unprepared, and even appears several times in the area goal, realizzando una rete proprio su assist di Abatemattei. Lo spento Cinolo della gara di calcio a 7 è solo un brutto ricordo al cospetto del Cinolo vivo e pieno di voglia di questa partita, autore tra l'altro di al- 5 reti. Vedremo se nelle prossime gare la Banda saprà confermare quanto di buono fatto all'esordio, spernado inoltre in una ulteriore crescita tattica della squadra.
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