Monday, February 28, 2011

Is It Okay To Feeda Dog Potato Chips

Sinner, Brochendors Brothers

cybernauts today the appointment is special.
This is the first post for me in fact made entirely in Italy.
(I heard the noise and perchèno applaussi registered? Fake laughter?)

Among other things I can not remember who's said to applause and laughter are still recorded as the original made in the 50s.
So many of those who have died laughing.
are things that make you think.

said that you may have noticed that we are back in the happy event is rewriting the long road towards Bilbolbul! Today, we stand before a secret show . Today we are dealing with a secret character, or better, a couple of secret characters.
You know Banksy?

not wait any longer because I know that you are hungry for pictures and today we are dealing with a particularly inspired ammazzacaffè,

zdoure and gentlemen, presenting us with his personal ammazzacaffè ,


Brochendors Brothers is a happy friendship led to a successful artistic collaboration by two personage.
Or maybe more?
But maybe it's only one?
But in the end, who cares.
BB (non è la bandabassotti ne tantonemo la brigittabardo diobono stiamo parlando di brochendorsbroda), è in campo da qualche anno. Le sue illustrazioni e i suoi lavori a fumetti li potete trovare sulla rivista Burp!, autoproduizione bolgnese sempre più in voga tra i giovani uomini e le coguare dello stivale.
BB è molto attivo nell'underground bolognese, collaborando a più riprese con il centro sociale Bartleby . Durante il Bilbolbullo lo potrete ammirare all'opera proprio in via San Petronio Vecchio, al Bartleby, dove sarà una delle punte di diamante della realizzazione della rivista ONION, il diario del festival, che verrà presentato il 5 marzo sempre tra le mura del centro che, più che sociale, definirei culturale, per il modo in cui si prodiga ed organizza attività, mostre, incontri.
Ma passuiamo ad una breve recensione del BB che io bambam! diobono a me piace proprio!
Prendete un segno fresco, leggero, come il solletico disegnato.
Gli aggiungete una colorazione digitale che sfocia dai toni cupi ai colori più flash a seconda del tema trattato.
Tre etti di un testo handwritten, dal contenuto riflessivo e riflettuto, condite con una sana dose di sadismo e ironia ed eccovi l'arte di BB.

La cosa che più mi piace, nei racconti di BB, è che restano. Non è una cosa da poco, and you will realize the old captain from navigating the waters of his blog.
A good cartoon is sobering. Like a good movie. Always thought that if the next day you still think a movie or a story well, then it means that something is left.
that the story is beautiful.
And if it makes you think like that scoundrel BB does, then you're glad to have finished that trip.

Why I can start another one.

The link Brochendors Brothers

Laughter and applause recorded.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kates Playground Deutscher Rap

Kleine Pause

Welcome back, lovers of homemade burgers and fries amateur
we Kleine Pause appointment, which is nothing but a great ristorantefasfùt in hamburg, we make hamburgers. That is to hamburg hamburger. How to say the pork sausage at home. Robe
so. The
kleine pause (short pause, the other thing you learned in Germany after "genau!") Also take it from the now famous Long Road to review Bilbolbul.
For various diplomatic problems in the sense of diplomas and heavy, I am making sense of parcels per ritornarmene in Bulàgna, questa settimana salta l'appuntamento.

Ma non vi lascio a bocca asciutta cari amici cybernauti.

Vi servo queste 4 tavole appena sfornate per il concorso Siamo lieti di averla tra noi promosso da FlashFumetto in occasione del festival Bilbolbul.
In pratica sto festival ormai c'entra sempre. O centra?

Beh, io ve le lascio guardare, però per favore, non toccare.
Sono fragili.
Sono state realizzate con il supporto di Gaspare Baglio, conosciuto via internet e mai ancora incontrato, ma ottimo sceneggiatore, garantisco. Diversi progetti sono in cantiere con lui ma, ehi, una cosa alla volta cinèn!
Le tavole tra others were selected for the show! so, remember
March 3 to 15, in the bag room you can see.
admire, say look.
Look, let's say out.
So let us bring all that you want.

mò Now tell me, what you do with a little bit like that.

you want us or we want the mayonnaise checiàp?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bow And Arrow Old Windows Game

Return of the Living Dead

All is silent for a long time, no updates to the damn football final at 5 (The year was 2010), yet the team is still very much alive, still with the same characters, a bit 'more old and bruised but always with the enthusiasm and desire to play together, maybe (for once) also trying to win something.
We are always labeled as the favorites, the team to beat, and eventually someone always beats ....... what a drag. In those moments (believe me, I have lived many, perhaps too much) you want to cry, to say enough, it's time to stop and then after a while you find yourself back to the DSU Semra to register the same names on the damn damn list and discuss with the girl (antipaticissima) for a medical certificate with no region code or without the signature of a doctor who is almost certainly your father or your uncle.
All this because basically I'm convinced (and I did not think would ever happen) that is really the important part, of course winning would certainly tempting, but I still can not know that I know .......; xò with certainty how much I enjoy finding myself in the dressing room with you, to hear the usual bullshit, the same lines of all time, but every time you steal a smile, make you forget all the problems, and I encourage people to go forward to the next game, hopefully it will not be the last.
is why oggi io vi dico andate in campo si per vincere, ma pensate per prima cosa a divertirvi, è questo ilgiusto spirito, non v'incazzate se un compagno non vi passa una palla solo perchè deve prima verificare se l'avversario può prendere 3 tunnel di fila senza incazzarsi, non v'incazzate se il goal non arriva, prima o poi succederà e se anche non succede, cmq l'importante è tornare nello spogliatoio e potersi guardare negli occhi sapendo che ognuno di noi ha dato il massimo, questa è la vera vittoria, dare tutto sempre e cmq, poi se c'è qualcuno più bravo di noi pazienza, ma ce lo deve prima dimostrare sul campo.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Maxine's Birthday Cards

Happy Birthday to me!

Instead of the usual cake ... ;-)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ge Microwave Troubleshooting

long road to BilBolBul, Marco Tabilio

How good tradition here we are again, the usual appointment with the long road to Bilbolbul.
It 's a rather windy Tuesday at Hamburg. The wind has taken away my beautiful tonsils, which now appear to be two beautiful Cocomo.
Without the seeds inside though.
E 'satisfaction but also a Tuesday! The aficionados will recall the post in which I spoke of my animation for the course of Stefano Ricci.
Well, today I finally broke the brush, when the last frame and cinquecentoquarantesimo! After much
tribble and patience, as well as accompanying beer, tomorrow, after the assembly will come to light my little child, whose working title is " Unduetrè . This

, well because I'm enjoying as a pig, I say why do not you think that I'll stay here with our arms folded, looking at me with illustrations by illustrators enslaved friends and, of course, not paid!

After the usual advice for latecomers, to go and reread the old posts, gentlemen, this is a golden stake for ammazzacaffè.
Today we are dealing with a fumettistanonchèillustratorenonchèscrittorenonchèsuonatoredifisarmonica.

Ladies and dolls, presents his personal ammazzacaffè,


get a great career here in the gallery matacafè, this material and Trentino character.
Today I enjoy this very post, and also tell you why. Marco Marco said Tabilio Tabilio is my companion venture here in Hamburg. From early September. It will stay here a semester while I am about to return. Marco
I really know almost here. With him I went canoeing, hiking fact, drank wine, played dice on the North Sea, the lake and all the tables in Hamburg, take the metro, danced, sung, drawn, imagined, designed, lost time at the computer . We drank beer during the derby, we played football and we have prepared Italian pasta for German tourists. I met someone who
looks like what he writes, that he designs. He says, his is a world populated by priests drunkards, thieves, mercenaries, bastards, players and drinkers.
And I'm not surprised to find that world to play his accordion.
Among other things, is 'material' as his illustrations, his comics. His brush has refined over the years, has discovered the pleasure of painting and does it very well.
I love the way it draws why you feel it, feel it under your fingers. if its a touching illustration diobono is as if you were holding that gun, painting, that glass of wine, the accordion (for argilesi, I'm talking about musical instrument).

Mark is truly a great illustrator, earth colors and pastels. Daughters see him, to his clothes. If you wear something red, say, means that just the tops brown has finished.
is specializing among other things with computers, video production is already established reality, as well as unrestrained passion. Recently
is also critical for the sojourner, the magazine edited by Goffredo Fofi (re-read the line again, please). His articles have also appeared on Hamelin.

short, more than tell you to go on his blog to discover his world and enjoy this beautiful picture I do not know what to tell you, dear people hungry purple, red, bleu.

I want us to Mark a lot of good, and I hope, as we are promising for a while, to sing with him on the street, playing his accordion.
canzonacce Maybe, maybe popular, but maybe not too bright.

From Marco, we go into that bar. There I saw a priest get a little drunk.
We're going to confession.

Mark's blog!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Create An Account On Techdecklive

long road to BilBolBul, Alice Socal

forgive the delay ladies and gentlemen.
are moments of pain and fever, sweats, and those lines that accompany these beautiful days of the blackbird! It is now February, the air smells of fog here in Hamburg.
exams, projects to finish books to print.
You will soon see the fruits of work began five months ago parbleu now! This week should be the last fingers of pathos and black ink and white acrylic. Let us not lose the thread
cyber friends.
talked about the fog. A snow
Bologna, Hamburg is the fog.
Is there anything it touches.

This is where I do not see great atmosphere, definitely very sexy, which will introduce the third artist of this long road towards Bilbolbul.
We only stop to pee, ok?

There were a few hairy kid if he had lost the pieces, I suggest seeing previous posts.

But now, boys and girls, here The ammazzacaffè of


Let's talk about Alice. Now that I have a
Socal unpublished original FileZ between my computer, I can do. I speak to her.
Alice lives in Hamburg for three years or so. He just gave the last exam with attached exhibit (beautiful, I was there, would not you, to moh) before the 'diploma' at HAW, the school and I Mark Tabilio good (you will hear about him soon) we are attending as Erasmus.
His stories are surreal, sometimes melancholy, certainly suggestive. I would call the
tasty. In the sense that each page is a little surprise, kleine bon bon to be discovered. The sign
light takes your hand, you say 'come on, let's have a beer Astra dentroc'è too much smoke here'.
addition to the comic is also very good illlustratrice, mastery of a self-paced und acrylic watercolor. Her children dinosaur with a soak in the background are cool. Rest
a vulgar, oh.

Alice began to writhe around and enjoy the magical world of publishing. Guest sets of Judah and other magazines Bilbolbulàgna unveils a solo exhibition at the walls by the very talented Bartleby.
'Luke, even the bad guys get old' will be the name of the show and his new comic book that will present on the occasion of the Festival. For more information

Innauguration of the show, you are connected to the site of the Festival!
I think this is not a goal, what a wonderful springboard for Alice. From mò Alis, jump!

that the fog is going on.

And now, as usual, the link to Alice!

Flashfumetto ...

and blog!