All is silent for a long time, no updates to the damn football final at 5 (The year was 2010), yet the team is still very much alive, still with the same characters, a bit 'more old and bruised but always with the enthusiasm and desire to play together, maybe (for once) also trying to win something.
We are always labeled as the favorites, the team to beat, and eventually someone always beats ....... what a drag. In those moments (believe me, I have lived many, perhaps too much) you want to cry, to say enough, it's time to stop and then after a while you find yourself back to the DSU Semra to register the same names on the damn damn list and discuss with the girl (antipaticissima) for a medical certificate with no region code or without the signature of a doctor who is almost certainly your father or your uncle.
All this because basically I'm convinced (and I did not think would ever happen) that is really the important part, of course winning would certainly tempting, but I still can not know that I know .......; xò with certainty how much I enjoy finding myself in the dressing room with you, to hear the usual bullshit, the same lines of all time, but every time you steal a smile, make you forget all the problems, and I encourage people to go forward to the next game, hopefully it will not be the last.
is why oggi io vi dico andate in campo si per vincere, ma pensate per prima cosa a divertirvi, è questo ilgiusto spirito, non v'incazzate se un compagno non vi passa una palla solo perchè deve prima verificare se l'avversario può prendere 3 tunnel di fila senza incazzarsi, non v'incazzate se il goal non arriva, prima o poi succederà e se anche non succede, cmq l'importante è tornare nello spogliatoio e potersi guardare negli occhi sapendo che ognuno di noi ha dato il massimo, questa è la vera vittoria, dare tutto sempre e cmq, poi se c'è qualcuno più bravo di noi pazienza, ma ce lo deve prima dimostrare sul campo.
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